Your Dental Brand

Brand Before You Market

Dental Business Coach

Ben shaver

Dental Brand Strategist

Whether it's your business venture or your personal venture, it's yours. It's unique to you. There are many other people that do what you do or aspire to do. The key is understanding that people will be drawn to your business because of how you lead and treat your people. This is at the core of branding.

The hardest part of branding is actually understanding that it's not all about you. It's about understanding what your best patients need and having the team in place that will guide them to success. 

When I engage with clients on building their Signature Brand Experience™, it goes way beyond logos and websites. It's about helping them find an authentic connection with their team and their community. Your team and your patients are on a journey too. Let me help you be their guide. 

There Are No Cover Bands In The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

-Scott Ginsberg

The Brand Journey

(Your Path to a Referral Practice)

Leadership Vision

The first step to a Signature Brand is having a vision of success. If you don't know where you're headed how will you expect anyone else to join you?

During this process we will help you discover what motivates you, what lies ahead for you, and how to create a vision of success. A clear vision defines your passion and helps you get out of bed every morning with purpose and intention.

Knowing that intention helps you build the culture that connects your brand with your community.

STEP 1: Create an Authentic, Relatable brand

This is our spin on the great format created by Donald Miller in his book Building A StoryBrand. This process is designed to “transform the way you talk about who you are, what you do, and the unique value you bring to your customers.” 

During this process we will help you discover not only what motivates you and your team but also what will motivate the people in your community. Each community is different and if your messaging isn’t relatable they won’t pay attention to you.

This workshop teaches how to walk your ideal patients through a process that starts with awareness of your brand and ends with lifelong customers referring you to friends and social media groups. 

Practices that brand themselves VS marketing themselves end up with high retention/high referral praxctices that don't rely on huge marketing budgets.

STEP 2: Brand Identity

This process may be more of what you would expect out of branding.

This is where we build an intentional brand image. This is crucial to make sure the target audience in our Signature Brand will relate to the name, colors, and design of our brand. 

We apply this layout and design to our patient focused websites that convert 60% better than typical service based websites. 

For those who have their brand identity in place, this is a good exercise to evaluate how our image connects to the community. If there are any changes that would help us grow our status in the community now is the time to identify them. 

STEP 3: Brand Rollout

This process is about creating a strategy for rolling out your new or improved brand. There is a lot to consider as it relates to employees, current patients, and the community.

During this process we will build out your communication strategy, timing, sources, and budget recommendations. 

This process requires professionals with experience. If you don't do this step right you could disengage your team, overspend the market, or alienate numerous potential patients.

STEP 4: Marketing

Our clients want to make sure their brand is influencing their community the way it was intended. We provide consulting support, vendor support, media buying services, graphic arts, and campaign analysis. 

Having someone manage how your brand is represented means it's yours, not some boxed-up marketing solution meant to persuade people with specials and discounts. 

A great brand consistently influences the market and brings in high-value customers that take your recommendations, write great reviews, and refer you.


9 Things Your Dental Website Must Include!

Download our FREE GUIDE to unlock the 9 things your 
website must include to 
attract more patient referrals!

Discover our “Five Mile Famous Method” that beats all other dental marketing platforms

Once you have the perfect brand, don't try to do too much. We work primarily with local dental practices and have found the best way to get the patients you want is to focus on three key areas: Google, Social Media, and Direct Mail. 
